Saturday, May 9, 2015

Review | Lush BB Seaweed

My pampering nights always includes a mask, at this moment I use the fresh face masks from Lush. I walked into lush not knowing that they do face massages, I had a facial massage done and it felt really relaxing I might say and also I ended up being intrigued by the small refrigerator that was put on the side against the wall and I noticed it was face masks as the exams were approaching I knew I was going to need something fresh and soothing for my face so I decided to pick up the BB Seaweed face mask. Besides the fact that this mask is super cooling due to it being stored in the fridge, the ingredients actually are great for exfoliating delicate skin and calming and soothing sensitive spots on your skin after a week of work or school. It is a creamy clay based mask with ground almonds, honey, and seaweed plus essential oils of rose, patchouli and rosemary add to its scent, but it's not that strong. I smell more of the almonds and seaweed more than anything. Very refreshing to apply out of the fridge and there is enough slip to massage around the face. I let it sit for 10 minutes before hopping in the shower to wash it off. (It can be pretty messy to wash off in the sink.) I wash the product off in circular motions to further utilize the ground almonds as a scrub. My skin feels refreshed and firmed up. Thank god I don't have a very problematic skin but I do see what the face masks is good for, it is definitely soothing and smooth to the skin,  I feel like it also refreshes my skin that's why I think it would be great for someone who has dull skin and needs to revive and help the skin get back on track.

Lush Fresh Face Masks

Retails for: 6.95$(60g)

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Maira Gall